Indulge Yourself with Space-saving Chic Gardens

A sanctuary is a place where you can be at peace, away from all the daily hustle and bustle usually associated with a hectic lifestyle. Whether you’re living in a spacious manor or in a chic apartment, having a nature-inspired sanctuary can always work wonders on your state of mind.

When creating a lush garden, never be limited by a small space. Sure, you won’t be able to plant huge trees and install a gazebo but having a small garden can also have its advantages. You won’t have to hire a gardener since you can do all the maintenance by yourself. Another advantage of having a small rooftop or back garden is that you’ll be compelled to experiment with unconventional plant containers. If you think your stylish apartment lacks a natural touch, here are some tips on how to create a chic yet cozy rooftop garden:

Create a Garden Plan

Drawing a rough sketch of your ideal rooftop garden can help you maximize space and narrow down your ideas especially if you want to include a lot of things in your sanctuary. It doesn’t have to be a very detailed plan; being flexible can have benefits especially if you plan to add other plants or decorative items in the future.

Start with your Favorites

If you can’t figure out what plants to include in your garden, try to think of your favorite plants. It could be those lovely grape hyacinths that remind you of someone special or rose bushes from an aunt’s country cottage. Whatever plants you choose, make sure that they’ll bring out the best in your garden and help you relax.

Favorite antique statues or vases can also add a chic touch to your gardening project. Just make sure that these times won’t overpower the other elements in your garden.

Shop Around

For more ideas on what to include in your nature-inspired project, browse through garden magazines or visit country fairs. If you have a plant in mind but you can’t remember the exact name, use the Internet to search for that mysterious foliage. There are many websites that offer detailed images of various flowers along with their common and scientific names.

Seattle Times

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